Mentor talking to another mom

Loved and Launched

launching our kids into the world is tough.

i Can help.

Colin Morris, Certified Life Coach for Empty Nest Moms

I love my young adult kids…

I want them to spread their wings…

And yet, I am struggling in this season of launching.

Can you relate?

You have invested 18+ years in your kids. You showed up for every event. You poured your time and love and money (YES!) into raising them. And then you blinked, and they were launching.

Maybe every interaction feels like a potential fight.

Maybe you can’t stop crying because their time living in your house is ticking down.

I am Colin Morris, Empty Nest Coach, and I help moms build healthy adult-adult relationships with their launching kids so that they can enjoy them for decades to come.

  • Loved & Launched

Do you want your launcher to spend time with you? (at least some of the time…)

Do you want to feel connected to them?

There is a fundamental shift that needs to happen in how you interact and view your launcher.

And I tell you all about it in my Ebook: Grow Your Connection with One Small Change.

Announcing my NEW Digital Course for busy Launcher Moms:


Our role changes during these Launching Years. This chapter of life transforms our connection to our kids— and not always in ways that we want.

We used to complain about the old pattern of mom taxi and endless running around, but little did we know that this new empty nest phase would be so HEAVY on the EMPTY!

We feel a little lost.

We feel a little sad.

We feel a little disconnected.

We actually feel a LOT disconnected, but we aren’t sure we are “supposed to” or “allowed to” feel that way since clearly nothing is WRONG.

AND this was ALWAYS the point, for them to leave.

AND you wouldn’t have it ANY OTHER WAY…


if we’re being honest…

it kinda stinks.

If any of that struck a chord in your heart…

This course is for you. GROW YOUR CONNECTION 101. You are an amazing MOM! You have successfully raised an adult! And NOW you get to learn how your new adult-adult relationship works. It isn’t the same as the adult-kid relationship you built for the last 18+ years. It is fundamentally different. You already know that; you can feel it. But maybe you need some new tools to help you orient in the right direction!

GROW YOUR CONNECTION 101 is a digital course that teaches you the key features of connection, why it changes during this phase, how to harness that change to your advantage and then six practical tools you can use immediately to help get more and BETTER connection with your Launcher! YAY!

Colin’s writing has been featured on:

Here’s what other Moms are saying about the eBook:

Loved and Launched: The Fundamental Change that Needs to Happen so that You Can Build a Strong Adult Relationship with your Launcher

Plus: 3 Practical Tools you Can Use Today

  • "Colin offers specific tools to help you move into the next stage of life with your launcher in a Healty pOsitive Way" - G. B.

  • "Great Practical advice for anyone who is parenting a child during the transition to adult independence". -M.M.

  • "I found this information to be quite helpful. I thought the book was well written and kept my attention with its humor, relatable examples and concise application of ideas. "


  • "I really loved this book. Colin was very relatable. Not only was she passing on knowledge from her life coaching, but also from personal experience

    • M.L.